Weekly Times-Advocate from Escondido, California (2024)

IT IT I SELL IT! BUY IT RENTIT TRADE IT HIRE IT the WANT WEEKLY TIMES ADVOCATE FRIDAY ESCONDIDO, LOST AND FOUND LOST: Deep sea fish pole, olive green canvas case on Mount Woodson Road, Sunday. Reward. Information Ramona Postoffice, Ramona, Calif. LOST: Ingersol wrist watch. Brown band, silver finish.

Reward. Phone 307-W. LOST: Billfold containing 1 money and papers. Finder may keep money but pleased return papers to 11o1 Valley LOST, Airedale puppy at 752 W. 5th.

Liberal reward. Ph. 1771-M GENERAL WANTS WILL take one man or woman In my lovely home. Excellent food and care. Transportation furnished.

Phone 1716-W. GOOD one horse trailer young 750 lb. Holstein bull. Ph. 167-J.

REAL ESTATE WANTED 1 Acre or more view site (cash). SE preferred. Give location and price. 4149 Degnan L.A. 8, Calif.

COUPLE with 3 year old boy sire furnished home in exchange, after for 5:30 part time Monday work. thru Sat- Ph. urday. After 12:00 Sunday. WANT $7,000, will give a first trust deed on 160 acres.

Write to Box J-28 T-A. ple for AAA Vista Trailer Park. TRAILERS A to 50' friendly Top TV reception, lawns, patio, recreation. In town convenienees. a FREE, smooth move to cool.

Vista call PA 4-9037. 125 Lada de Loma. blk. off 78. WE don't want all the business.

Just Yours! Clarke's Shell ServIce. Ohio at Valley. WANTED TO BUY ONE or bedroom. Side hill. View.

Cash. 71-M. USED cars. -Esc. Auto.

Exch. WANTED TO RENT REASONABLE 3 bedroom, or 2 bdrm. with den. Close-in house. Write Box Times Advocate.

JOBS WANTED 5 COOK: General. Love children. 0 Good ironer. Live in. Refer.

ences. Write Mrs. M. H. Baker, Pala, Calif.

PRACTICAL nursing day night. Will baby sit. Ph. 1951-R. WE WILL ASSIST YOU in prep aration and construction of al.

types of speeches. Neatly, typec with quick reference fidential and quick service. For, further information write box M-10 Times Advocate. PRACTICAL nursing day or Will baby sit. Ph.

1951-R. CARPENTER WORK. Ph. 2258-J. FIX it and jobs.

873-R. TYPING at home. Reasonable rates. Quick service. Write Box M-10 Times Advocate.

HELP WANTED FEMALE. fountain help. Meston Pharmacy. WANTED Two women for house work. Will have to live at ranch.

Dr. Jensen Health Ranch. Phone 2112. Ask for Pete Schmitt between 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m.

After 6:00 phone 1961-J. MAN WITH CAR Age 45 or over to take over Watkins route. A profitable permanent business of your own. Ap ply 1328 East Grant. MEN WANT A PHONE JOB? Expansion in the telephone industry has created many openings for: INSTALLERS LINEMEN FRAMEMEN GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: High School grads under 28 years of age.

California Driver's License. Some Electrical or Mechanical aptitude. No experience necessary. You will be trained at full pay. Apply SAN DIEGO Monday through Friday 3940 Seventh (open at 8:30 a.m.) ESCONDIDO 9:30 to 4:00 p.m.

337 West 2nd Ave. Window No. 3 or call Toll Free ZEnith 10,000 PACIFIC TELEPHONE HOUSE trailer for rent or exchange for labor. Ph. 1174-M.

LADY WITH CAR To take over established Watkins route with over 300 customers. Sell by appointment only. Pay starts at once. Apply at 1328 East Grant. dening and wife for housekeepExcellent living quarters.

Ph. Escondido 1733 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. HOUSEKEEPER. cook.

live in. 8709-R-4. EXPERIENCED bakery sales. lady, Union. Phone Oceanside SAratoga 25908.

I RETAIL baker. Union. Ph. Oceanside SAratoga 2-5908. COUPLE wanted, man for gar- SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT HOMES GROVES RANCHES HOMES LOVELY LAKEVIEW on double corner.

Peaceful and pretty. 1 BR. plus. $8000 only $1000 down. CLOSE- IN CORNER.

Walk to town. Only $9750 with $1500 down NOW. A few years from new wOW. AND LOTS and LOTS of GOOD LOTS. AVOCADOS 22 Acres 570 frost free fuerte avocados.

2 homes, one 3 bedroom and one bedroom. On a panoramic view site. 1000 shares Mutual Water plus a dug well. 8 acres vacant land fine for pasture, subdivision or row crops. See this one now.

Full price -terms available. RANCHES 15 acres level, rich soil in heart of Poway. 2 BR home, barn, granery, etc. Peach orchard, grapes, pecans, etc. Like new Ford' pickup truck.

Ford tractor. Right in the heart of immediate development. Full price $25,000. 320 acres 260 under cultivation. style home in excellent condition.

60 cow grade dairy barn. Horse barn. tennant houses. $25,000 worth of nearly' new equipment. 6 wells.

plus creek. Also in water district. The finest ranch in Southern Calif. See These and Other Fine Values by Visiting Our Office We also offer Multiple Listing Sales and Service DON BRIGGS JOHN BERDAHL Associated with WILLIAM S. CROW REALTY CO.

341 E. Grand Ave. Ph. 1320-M CHOICE level corner lot. 4th and Maple.

Owner. 530: So. Kalmia. MOVE IN TODAY Completely, yard furnished, fenced, 2 flow ers, shade. Near park.

Owner leaving. Sacrifice $5,000, total price, $1,850 down. Dorothy Kinehan Realtor 1541 So. Escondido Blvd. Phone 2023 ART CLEMENS Best Buys for '55 EX.

HOME and AVOCADOS 4 Acre A-1 Fuerte avocado grove, permanent spr. irrig. system, large frame heavy producing trees. High elev. with sweeping valley view.

New, better built home. two master size bedrooms and den, two baths. Large en closed patio, fireplace, radiant heat, landscaped, family fruit. down. DISTINCTIVE, ATTRACTIVE "BETTER BUILT" Three bedroom home, two baths, forced air heating throughout, heavy beamed ceiling, insulated, ceramic tile stall shower, select oak floors, abundance closets and cupboards, two-car garage, storage, paved patio.

FHA will an $11,700 loan. Full price only $14.000 $2,300 down. 113 North Broadway ART CLEMENS 113 No. Broadway Ph. 1213 APPROX.

2 acres, 68 full grown Avocados. Perm. sprinklers, wonderful view for building site. $6.500: $2,000 DOWN Rambling redwood 2 B.R. ranchtype home with ivy covered ver.

anda. Has 2-car gar. plus extra room and laundry, on a 100x188' lot with orange trees and grape arbor. It's indeed a rare buy for $9950. Come quick and see it.

$2,500 DOWN 3 B.R. home with bath on lot. Around corner from Felicita School. Has large 2-car gar. Select oak and tile.

GI loan, $13,500 total, MARGE VORHERR, Realtor 5th Hwy. 395 Ph. 2092 Evenings 1949-R JOHNSONS $1,000,000. Income property, 1-2 and 3 modern insulated stucco units. Landscaped, fenced and gar.

All or any part, on FHA. Terms. XLENT. INVESTMENT Exclusive 2 bdrm. neat home.

4 yrs. old. Lot 85x170', fenced. Berries, fruit and garden, only $2315 dn. $8500 Full Price.

2 Ac. frost free avocado ranch, very beautiful, large, view home, equipment included. Full Price $23,500. 3 rms. bath, neat.

Lot 50x140', good soil. $1500 down, full price $4200. Extra lot at $1500. 10 Ac. orange grove.

This years crop among finest in the Valley. 4 bdrm. home and quest house, corner location for subdivision. $10,000 down. JOHNSON REALTORS 419 E.

Grand Phone 2302 CLEVER 6 month old, two bedroom home, acres, grand view. Only $8250. H. Preble, 728 Main, Ramona. Ph.

202 or 61-W. Buy, cell, rent, lease, trade thru Times-Advocate MATCH THESE Three bdrm. ap. 2 ac. Near school, church, stores.

$6000. Furnished, view home and rental. acre, V.I.D. $5900. Terms, $5500 cash.

One bdrm. mod. house and shed. 23 940'. Rancho Santa Fe Rd.

Tractor, 2 plows, harrow, cultivator, 1 sh. V.I.D. $18,660. All or 5-10-12-22 ac. at $750, $700, $650.

Ranches Groves Homes Lg. Sm: or deluxe. Prices right, terms O. L. DART br.

mgr. Albert M. Wilson. Realtor hwy 78 San Marcos ph. 8779-R-5 ONE year old 3 bedroom, FHA Orange.

Phone 2674-W. built home, by, owner. 1336 So. FOR THE PARTICULAR BUY. ER: 2 bedrm.

den, 2 baths. 2 car garage, 20x27' screened pa tio, fireplace, acoustic ceilings. paneled walls in den, cork tile and wall-to-wall carpet thruout. Built-in Thermador range and oven, touch plate lighting, auto matic water softener. Located on high frost free acre, beautiful view, avocados.

Mutual water. Can't be duplicated for asking price of $23,500. Substantial dn. ChinEnsely appointment only AVOCADO LAND 20 acres, cleared, ready to plant in best producing area. Deep soil, frost free, several choice building sites.

In Escondido Mutual Water District Also well site. Write M-22 care of T-A or phone 1741. H. W. BREWER, JR.

REALTY All Kinds of Insurance Ranches Groves Homes Let us help you H. W. BREWER, Jr. ROY KEPNER, Associate 330 E. Grand Phone 162 Eleven Acre oak grove and view.

building sites. $4250. 12 acres oak grove, perma nent pasture and view building sites, $6500. 13 Acres. walnuts and view building sites, $6500.

Electricity, lots of water, only nine miles from Escondido. Ex cellent terms. DAMSBO REAL ESTATE 990 Hiway 395 Archie Littlejohn, Associate Phone 2105 Buy, sell, rent, lease, trade thru Times Wantads. chicks, Water shares, piped for irrigation, view bldg. site, garage, chick house, fenced 3 sides, lots of road frontage.

$5,500. City Home Ac. Very nice one bdrm. home in de sirable area. Family fruit.

$9,000 Ac. $500 Dn. Wonderful family fruit grove Plenty of room for more Acreage Lots 50x140' level city, lot close to school and market. Only $1,300. 100x320 R-2 zone.

$5,000. ac. unimproved. $400 down. 5 ac.

unimproved. $750 down. ac. highway frontage. $10,000.

R. E. LYON REALTOR 231 Grand Phone 730 A. RUNYAN, Assoc. VP: Evenings 8875-R-4 FROM THE DAWN HU.


Built in 1953. In-town Hillside location on 55' 185' Lot. Tile in Kitchen and Bath. to Wall Carpeting in Living Rm. and Den.

Garbage Disposal, Birch Cabinets. Family Fruits. Owners leaving town. Must sell quickly. Fully furnished including TV.

Full price only $13,500, down, balance like rent. Adjoining lot (C1 Zone) available for $1,500. SEE THIS TODAY! BRAND NEW-1700 Square Feet of Ideal California Living. 3 Bed. rm.

Baths, Large Kitchen plus separate Dining Fireplace, Hdwd. Floors, Large D'ble Garage and Workshop. Breezeway. Porch, Patio, Barbecue. fertile Acres.

This property must really be seen to be appreciated. Full price $22,500. Submit Terms! 40 Acres having 8 pastures. Un. derground piping.

Water condition good. 2 Bedrm. home and 3 rm. furnished caretaker's home. 40' 60' barn, with 4 box stalls and tack 20' 40' garage.

24 walnut trees. Shade. dandy buy at $50,000. Terms. Frank P.

Mauri REALTOR 200 West Grand Phone 907 Evenings 907, 2763-W NEW 2-bdrm. Two bath home. Choice location. Terms. Damsbo Real Estate.

990 Hiway. 395. Archie Littlejohn, Associate. Ph. 2105.

COMMERCIAL LOCATION Valuable corner lot on East Second avenue with older 5-room home. A REAL BUY at terms. Hilltop Home Avocados Approx. 2 acres excellent producing avocados under perm. sprinklers in excellent location.

Spacious, attractive home with 2 den. baths; large Garage; hobby room. panor view of country. Only terms. (Owner will take 2 or 3-bedroom home as part payment.) Lovely French-Provencial Perfectly appointed 3-bedroom: 2-bath home in town will all the choice extras the discriminating buyer seeks plus fireplace select, hardwood in living fiooring, room wall and rugs dining room, 500 ft.

of colorfu all under tile, heavy shake-single ceramic and 2-car garageroof. Price: $19,850 (FHA Farmer's Delight 31 acres of good earth, par, perm. pasture, renced and cross tenced. Fine water, conditions Spacious, modern home witi porenes, sleeping room, fire place. ALSO, 2 rentals Large poultry biags, and metal blog tor machinery.

A perfect setfor stock, poultry, dairy, ete See this at some terms Smart 3-Bedroom Attractive new ranch-type home with wood shutters, hardwood floors, beamed in living dining room, tub bain and star shower, dinette in kitchen witt ceramic tile drainboards an lots of cupboards. Attached car garage. An exceptional coun try home on large lot with bear ing orange trees located amon; fine homes only 2 miles out 8t just $11,500 FIA. com mitment. Exquisite Adobe Beautifuly appointed and taste fully decorated adobe home picture setting 2 miles out.

Stee reinforced beamed cellin; in living room, this graciou. residence has a cozy den. 21 baths. dining area In1 kitchen raised brick fireplace plus many other extra features 111 til "Home Beautiful" with extra large 2 2-car garage on acre hili side. Offered at $35,000.

ESCONDIDO REALTY 209 West Grand Ave. Ph. 748 WOULD YOU CARE TO Own A Big Hunk of Real Estate On Corner of Fig and Grant (B) Grant School. No Sewer Ye 3ut We Are Hoping Anyway. This Whole Corner Only $6000 Xclusive With C.

E. COOMBS, Realtor E. L. COOMBS. Associate 154 West Grand Phone 906 FOR sale: Nice 2 bdrm.

home Large basement. Near old higl school. Phone 1468-R. WE NEED LISTINGS Attractive 2 B.R., 2 yrs. old, Car port, nice garden, fenced.

Only $8500. Don't delay. 2 B.R. house. $5500.

$1000 down House and income. Several nice 2 on 1 lot. $13,500 Horse lovers Valley Center house, pasture, barn and corral. $14,500 or take Esc. 3 B.R.

23 Ac. avoc. citrus grove. Good income. Grand view.

$87,500. Over 1 ac. sprinklers. Some view $4,500. Terms.

Furn. units. $280 inc. acre $25.000. Want 5-10 ac.

avoc. with house luxury 3 B.R. La Jolla home. Will assume. WORLD OF YOUR OWN 40 ac.

hillside with grand 930 frost free avocados in excellent condition. Room for many more. Perm. Sprinklers. Creek fills well; also water stock.

Cute redwood home looks out over the beauties of nature. 75,000. Exclusive with STARWAY REALTY 500 Valley Blvd. Phone 544 JUST completed, modern 3 bedrm. home, open beam ceiling, venetian blinds.

TV antenna. Lots 60x177'. New lawn plus 20 shares water. Must see to appreciate at 227 W. 17th St.

Can be had furnished. SAVE on the real value of this fine one acre country estate overlooking Lake Hodges. all break wall fence, family orchards. Large story home. Only $10.750.

Damsbo Real Estate, US Hwy. 395 at Lincoln. Archie Littlejohn, Associate. Ph. 2105.

FOR sale: 2 bedroom house with rental in back. 100 ft. frontage, 200 ft. deep. Write to Orval Ward, PO Box 33, Jamaica, Iowa.

Excellent Avocado Grove Approx. 15 Acres with about 600 heavy producing avocados under perm. sprinklers. Two wells plus Mutual Water. Distinctive adobe ranch home with 3-bedrooms, den, large dining room, charming living room with fireplace, French doors to glassed-in lanai, 3 baths, deluxe modern kitchen.

utility room, radiant thru -out. Maid's quarters bath. Storage heat, room. 3-car garage. Exquisite view.

Two patios. Swimming pool. Cabana, dressing rooms, bath. A fine buy for a discriminating buyer. Priced at $125,000.

Shown by appointment. Exclusive with ESCONDIDO REALTY C. D. Bandy Beulah R. Bandy Ray Beeson, Associate 209 West Grand Phone 748 NOW VACANT 4 ROOM.

2 bedrms. overlooking lake, acre, big garage and full bath only $5500 with $1000 down. A steal. 28 small house, well only $8000 with $2000 down, on good hwy. Large frontage.

E. H. PAGEL Assoc. 223 So. Esc.

Blvd. Ph. 1969 CONVERTIBLE HOME CALIFORNIA JULY 8, 1955 Girls: GOOD NEWS jobs Good salary with frequent increases Opportunity for advancement Some openings now for young women in our Escondido office TYPISTS CLERICAL WORKERS Apply Mon. thru Fri. 3940 7th Ave.

Diego 8:30 a.m. or call toll free ZEnith 10000 PACIFIC TELEPHONE MAN to sell chicks. Ph. 8761-J-4. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 8 Dairy Mart Farms AGAIN EXPANDING Escondido territory open for young man with financial means to develop Dairy Mart franchise dairy products route.

Apply by etter, Dairy Mart Farms, San sidro. INSTRUCTION PIANO lessons. Beginners or advanced. Call 2088-J. FOR RENT, MISC.

20 FOR rent. 13' vacation house trailer. Can sleep 2 adults and 3 children. Phone 1469-R. FOR RENT, ROOMS 21 NICE bedroom.

630 East 4th. FOR RENT, HOUSES 22 LADY alone, working, will share three nicely furnished. close-in, with couple. $50 per mo. Ph.

1498-W after 6 p.m. ONE bedroom, furnished un furnished, close-in. $65 or $70 per month. 501 North Fig. TWO bedroom house in Jesmone Dene.

Phone 397-J. CABIN and trailer house. 1715 Escondido Blvd. ONE. two and three bedroon rentals.

Warbee Corp. 110. East Grand. ONE bedroom house with car port. Furnished, all electric Adults only.

Inquire "B' the rear. 905 No. Broadway. MODERN 3 rm. Prefer.

couple for part-time ranch wk. 390-W ONE bedroom furnished. Utilities paid. $60 per mo. Ph.

8842-M-3 ONE Close in. Phone 730, 8875-R-4. ONE bedroom furnished house Call at 354 East Pennsylvania THREE room house, furnished $45. Viola Senker. Cole Grade Road.

Valley Center. 8720-R-2. FOR RENT, APTS. 24 FURNISHED apartment. Next to Townsend Market.

Adults. Ap ply 1405 So. Escondido Blvd. FURN. Clean, nice.

Ph. 1317-J. MAN'S sleeping apt. furn. Ga rage.

152 West 6th. THREE room, nicely furnished $65 mo. Utilities paid. 123 So Elm. Ph.

637- or eve. 1472-W. FOR rent: Unfurnished, apart ment. 1961-W. 1 Bdrm: close-in.

1446-J. NEW furnished one bedroom apartments $60 a month. Utilities and washing facilities included. Phone 1174-M. APTS.

$30 and $65 a mo. Adults. No pets. 1565 So. Esc.

Blvd. FURN. Clean, nice. Ph. 1317-J.

STARWAY furn. apts. Valley Blvd. Hickory. 544 1678-J.

TWO bedroom apt. unfurnished, carport, disposal, hardwood floors, $80. Phone 8861M-4. new modern apt. Disposal.

Upstairs. $60 mo. 339 S. Esc. Blvd.

ONE and two bedrooms, large deluxe apts, 1239 South Juniper. FURN. Studio apt. $55 mo. Incl.

utilities. Crow. Ph. 1320-M. FOR SALE, MISC.

30 FOR sale, old furniture: small radio. single Hollywood bed, table and six chairs. three burner hot plate, gas heater. apt. size stove, double size cotton mattress and heavy lined lee drapes.

All $8 each. 1111 Washington. Phone 1461-R. CLOSE out sale. Paper napkins and table cloths.

price. San Diego Office, Supply of Escondido. 144 W. Grand Ave. Ph.

617. FOR sale: Chrome parakeet bird cage and stand, also traveling cage. $15. Mrs. W.

J. Basl. Lot 26, Wonderland Trailer Park, 315 W. 17th Avenue. A.K.C.

registered Dachshund puppies. 1016 E. Lincoln. 2329-W. POULTRY equip.

and sheds. Lay and grow cages. Sunshine brooder. Pipe and wiring. Elect.

time clock. 2-wheeled trailer. Ph. 1408 or 313-R. LIKE new.

Hotpoint electric range, $200. 751 E. 2nd. 1476-W. FOR sale: Mahogany DuncanPhyffe drop-leaf table, 6 upholstered chairs, like new server.

Also Westinghouse refrigerator. Phone Vista, PAlace 4-3462 or PAlace 4-5472. FOR sale. Barley. Call 8752-J-3.

ROYAL apricots, tree ripe. Bring container. Phone orders taken. Cummings Fruit and Egg Ranch, No. Ash and Vista Ave.

Phone 2161-W. APRICOTS Bring containers and pick them. Manning Ranch, Vesper Road, Valley Center, east of Pala Vista store. SMITH CORONA portable typewriter. condition.

See at 853 Metcalf. Rear green stucco. COTTON carpeting $4.45 sq. yd. Escondido Linoleum and Carpet.

237 East Grand. SAVE on your clothing house. hold needs at Goodwill I tries. 130 E. Grand.

ATLAS FENCE CO. Redwood Fences Steel Fences Block Walls Estimates No Down. Payment 701 S. Escondido Blvd. Phone 1665 APPLES.

Porter's Apple Ranch. SW corner Midway Lincoln. RE- upholstery on easy terms. Ph. 2642.

BARBECUE HEADQUARTERS LIFE TIME FENCE CO. 540 W. Grand Ave. CROSLEY Shelvador refrigerator, 7 cu. 1 yr.

Phone 8789-J-3. ELECTROLUX cleaners, sales Rutledge. Ph. 1686 LIFE TIME FENCES will save you Money Nothing down, $7.50 per month. Phone 197-W.

FOR sale: Baby buggy. Good condition, $15. See at 833 West 11th, anytime. RE upholstery on easy terms. Ph.

HOUSEHOLD Appliances: Leaving large home at 1062 W. 5th Ave. Must dispose of: Hotpoint electric range; pushbutton control; two ovens; broiler. $225. refrigerator; 10 cu.

ft. $225. 4-burner electric range; one oven; $50. Westinghouse twin Laundromat washer $200. All like new.

suitable for new home. Priced low for cash. Good for bank loan. Call at 1062 West 5th or phone 1572-J Thursday after 6 p.m. or Friday July 8 only.

SECOND hand Servel refrigerator. Ph. 309. After 5, 277-W. FOR sale: attractive design, overhead garage door and hard ware.

$48. Ph. 2387-J. WHITE satin rabbits. Pure bred stock.

Won 5 ribbons at SD County Fair. Phone 1859-J. FOR sale, 2 good Western saddies, $35 each and pair of ladies Western boots, size $5. L. E.

Lopshire, corner Oak Knoll anc Poway Road, Poway. COLDSPOT refrig. 9 cu. ft. Spin dry washer.

Ph. after 6. 1863-W GAS range, breakfast set, Kenmore automatic washer. 642 N. Elm (Wash.

Manor). 18 FT. upright Coldspot freezer used 1'P year. 1396 E. Grant, Esc.

ELECTROLUX vacuum, late mo del, $25. Phone 1686. 1937 Ford, new battery. Girl's bi cycle. Bargains.

629 W. 7th. FOR sale: household goods in cluding two bedroom suites, rawer chest. 2 mahogany bool cases. Ph.

8842-W-3, Mrs. Mabe. 3ryan. 20' cabin cruiser, glassed. Two Mark 20 motors.

bait tank elect. pump, trailer. Reasonable Phone 246-J. YOUR Fuller Brush man. R.

Sims. Phone 450-M. FOR SALE, REAL ESTATE 31 3 ACRE RANCHO In Beautiful San Marcos Valley Two Bed Room Home, Extra Large Living Room. Separate Dining Room. Ranch Style Kitthen.

Glassed In Porch. Double Garage, Heavy Producing Walnut Trees. Fruit Trees and Berries $9,500, Terms. Xclusive With C. E.

COOMBS. Realtor E. L. COOMBS, Associate 154 West Grand Phone 906 FREEWAY CORNER 100 ft. on Freeway and 50 ft.

on Seventeenth Street: Business cor. ner, full price $12.500. AVOCADO HILLTOP Million dollar view, 4 acres over looking Escondido, full grown trees, $11,000. R-3 LOTS lots on Second near Ash. $1050 each.

3 B.R. HOME Bath and half, finest hardwood floors, stucco exterior, plaster inside, spacious cupboards, dual thermostatic control furnaces. $14,900. 85 ACRE FREEWAY Many hilltop view sites, lovely oak groves. Level pasture land.

Excellent well and in water district. $400 per acre. GARDEN ACRE One acre, lots of fruit, excellent well and pump. Finest neighborhood, fenced, and piped. Small shed.

$4000. VALLEY CENTER 70 acres in water district. $100 per acre. KUCHEL MESA 120 acres. Water district plus two wells.

Ocean and mountain view. Shack. $100 per acre. 20 ACRES Rocks, brush and rattle snakes. Creek.

$1000 full price. FREEWAY 100x115' zoned for business. homotel or trailer court, $15,000 full price. TRAILER COURT LOT 300x330' corner 15th and Freeway, sewer in and paid for. Make offer.

EXCLUSIVES 10 acre corner Washington and Twin Oaks. Sewer available. includes 10 subdivided lots, 60x120' each. $26,500. Suburban estate lot.

111x195' panoramic view. Mutual water. $2650 1 acre plus with good 2 bedroom home, 8 bearing pecan trees. Close to city. $7500, $2500 down.

Excellent opportunity for development, corner lot 50x140' with 2 bedroom older home plus adjoining vacant lot just off Grand Ave. Full price $7500. Five acres. 660' frontage on No. Broadway near new high school.

$15,000. 2 bedroom, 2 bath deluxe home 1 acre hilltop with super panoramic view, beautifully landscaped affording joyous living, $25,000. Four unit court. 2 years old. 2 bedroom each on 100x140' city lot with 4 garages.

Close to stores. churches, etc. $28,500, only $3500 down. RAY E. SCHAFER Phone 2040 Freeway at Washington HILLTOP HOME 2 large bedrooms with an abundance of closet space.

2 baths loaded with tile. Light, cheery living room has wall wall carpet, open beam ceiling. Tile kitchen with breakfast area. Double garage has lots of stor. age space a a and laundry area.

Nicely landscaped yard, fenced in rear. Nice view. Terms. $14,900. SO MUCH FOR SO LITTLE This 2 bedroom home is especial ly adapted to the newlyweds because of its low price and terms; to the retired or the horticulturists because of its large lot-144x188'.

To anyone it's a good buy for only $8500 with $2500 dn. and $60 month. 3 B.R. 2 BATHS A lovely home in a choice area of new homes. Large living room dining area with wallwall carpet, yellow brick, corner.

fireplace. Large bedrooms. Baths fully tiled. Tile kitchen with dbl. sink and garbage dis- posal.

Enclosed patio with barb-q. Nicely landscaped lot 91x 120'. It's a beauty. Let's talk terms. $20.000.

E. F. "Bud" SQUIRE REALTOR INSUROR 2120 Alexander Drive Phone 1004-R for appointment SACRIFICING $12,750 The "perfect place" has everything! Ideal retired couple. Beautiful 95x150 gentlesloping elevated lot just outside city limits southeast of town with two choice heavy -bearing walnut trees, many fruit trees, ornamental trees plus grapes, berries, "family" garden, lawn and rose gardens. Of fine stucco construction only four years old the home has two bedrooms (one master), hardwood floors, many built-ins.

open dining room, fireplace in living room. many cupboards, garbage disposal, ceramic tile and breakfast area in kitchen, large service porch and four outside entrances. Nice patio with barbecue. Unattached garage. Rugs drapes, venetian blinds, fire screen and electric range included in price.

$12,750. Just listed. Should go fast. See today! ESCONDIDO REALTY 209 West Grand Ave. Ph.

748 DUB ROBINSON Older 2 B.R. Guest on 1 acre. Good well. $6,500. $2,700 lown.

Nearly new 2 B.R., attached gacage. laundry room, few fruit rees, on level city lot. $10,500. 32,500 down. 3 bedroom.

2 baths on 1 acre, $3,000 down. For these and many more real buys see DUB ROBINSON Dave Noble or Carl Strubeck, 555 West Grand Ph. 1765-W or 1693-J 2 bdrm. house on 2 acres, good well. fenced, perm.

pasture. close in. terms. 1216 North Fig. to acres.

Phone 1191-W. Your Money's Worth $10,500 NEW 2 bedroom stucco with lots of extras. 936 sq. ft. of living space.

Built to last and make you happy. Near the church of your choice. Excellent terms to right party. $11,550 NEARING COMPLETION. two bedroom stucco.

Select hardwood floors over 2x6 tongue groove subflooring. Separate dressing room. Extra closet and cupboard space. Will qualify for FHA or Cal. Vet.

A home 40 be proud of. ALBERT M. WILSON Realtor D. E. Esther Associates 211.

W. Grand Ave. Ph. 863-J "I Know the Valley" 4 level city lots, sewer in. Only $3,200.

View homesites, A. All utilities. From $2,850. ACREAGE 100 A. The highest and best in Valley Center.

$250 per acre. 6.3 A. hilltop. E.M.W.D. Close in.

Only $8,500. Near Valley High. Beautiful hilltop, ideal for homesites. 10 Acre tracts or more. The choicest close in.

$1,750 per acre. CURLEY MILLER, Realty IRWIN BEADLE, Asso. 1155 E. Grand Ph. 224 Panoramic View Home Fabulous setting with ultimate in California living.

Hillside acre (plus), thorough landscaping with avocados, citrus and beautiful shade trees in Escondido's exclusive area. Two room functional design with conservative touch. custom drapes with carpeting thru two baths, fireplaces in living room and den, separate dining 10 om; picture window "play room." Swimming pool sur. rounded by flagstone patio. Guest quarters Also circular patio with barbecue.

Price: $50,000. Incomparable buy! Another exclusive with ESCONDIDO REALTY 209 West Grand 748 HAVE 3 choice building sites, city gas. Phone 480-W. Large 2 bdrm. Tile bath with att.

gar. which is same as 2 bdrm. bath wing. 2000 sq. ft.

under roof. Will make 4 bdrm. at low cost. Large living, area, fireplace, tile kitchen built-in nook. Exceptional value at only $14,900 down.

CURLEY MILLER, Realty IRWIN BEADLE, Assoc. 1155 E. Grand Ph. 224 NEAT, 2 BEDROOM STUCCO home, insulated, AUTOMATIC ELECT, DISHWASHER, attached garage which can easily be converted to 3rd bedroom, large fenced backyard, nice neighborhood, 2 blocks to Felicita School, $9.200. Any reasonable down payment accepted.

Phone 1530-M, home daytimes and evenings, 726 West 11th. REAL ESTATE WANTED 31-A NEED level lots on sewer. Riverside Builders. Ph. 844-R.

FOR SALE, USED CARS 32 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR THESE QUALITIES IN A USED CAR? Dependability Priced Right 6 mos. Guarantee Fully Reconditioned HOMER HELLER Your Friendly Ford Dealer 400 West Grand Open 8-8 Weekdays Sundays 10-4 FOR sale: 1947 Dodge 4-dr. Sedan. Phone 2347-J after 6 p.m. 1941 Ford pickup, good condition.

1201 No. Broadway. WILL my equity in new 1955 Rambler station wagon. or used pickup. Phone Vista PAlace 4-1216 evenings.

MODEL Ford pickup. No engine or transmission. New vaunt. Will take best cash lust sell by Fri. See at 228 East incoln.

Phone 208-M. 949 ton pickup, 4-speed. 550 Palomar: Trailer Park, lot, No. 33. or trade equity in '51 MG.

See at Tiny Flynt Plumbing supplies or call after 5, 8816-J-3. 3. BUY your USED CAR from a USED CAR dealer. -Escondido Auto Exchange. 52 Studebaker Starlite coupe, dio, heater and overdrive.

Call .071. 11. Ford. 225 West 9th. CADILLAC for sale, '52 converti ble, power steering and hydra natic.

by owner. Call Esc. 1733. OR SALE, TRAILERS 33. SELLING out.

Jersey springer heifers. Poway Dairy. Phone Poway 2521. Thompson's Trailer Sales Ised trailers. vacation rentals, ow as $100 down.

We buy, sell, onsign. 2 miles west on Hiway 8. Ph. 1800-W. TRAILER SALES Angelus, Kenskill, Fleetwood New and Used Terms Closed Wednesdays No.

Broadway 2 mi. out ESCONDIDO PH. 8735-R-4 IVY DEL TRAILER SALES SPARTANS BOLES AERO NEW AND USED 4 miles north of Escondido on Highway 395. PHONE 601-J VACATION TRAILERS $200 and Up TRAILER SALES North Broadway 2 miles out POULTRY, LIVESTOCK 35 3ABY chicks- For meat- Bi tner Nichols strain, new Hamps, Cornish Hamp For egg pro: duction Ames Incross and 501, Austra-Whites, Kimber Leghorns, Howard Hamps, strain: nenter Reds. Tobin Galyean Hatchery, San Marcos.

Ph. 855 I LEGHORN and Austra White pullets, top strain. 871. WANTED: Horses and cattle ct. all descriptions.

A call will bring a buyer. Phone 8725-MA. THREE ton bulk tank. Good as new. Phone 1071-J.

PETS 35 WHITE King. pigeons. Good breeders. Young parakeets. Ph.

8769-J-3. AKC registered Dachshund puppies, 1016 E. Lincoln. 2329 W. BUSINESS SERVICES 40 LOTS REISER'S television service.

1688-J. 728 So. Orange. WANTADS for the Los Angeles Times will be accepted at Es condido Times Advocate office until 5 p.m. Must be placed in person; cash with order.

No phone orders. DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL Dead animals hauled away. Ph Del Mar Skyline 5-2000. BULLS TOR SERVICE. 1803-J.

W. C. Burmahln. Ph. 167-J.

HOUSEMOVING Call August Anderson. Licensed in San Diego. Phone 1208 R. Esc. RUNNING short on Business Forms The Times Advocate Printing Dept.

Can Now Give Prompt, Courteous Service at Competitive, Prices. See Us for Next Job. RUG and furniture cleaning Hoover Cleaners Dyers. 656 MATTRESS renovating, uphol stering, remodeling. Call Poway 2341.

R. C. Walker. FAMILY LAUNDRY SERVICE Hazard Laundry. 220 West Ohio.

PAPERHANGING by C. R. Christensen. Phone 1211. NOTICES, PERSONALS 41 LADIES earn a coffee urn.

Nes. co roaster or Hamilton Beach mixer for your church ization. Sell or organ60 bottles of Watking call beverage 956-W. base. Mrs.

For Ackles. appointment PHOTOSTATIC copies. 1288-J. fat fryer, for yourself a deep LADIES earn a steam-dry iron or 3 portable mixer bottles of Watkins by beverage selling 60 For appointment call Ackles. 956-W.


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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.